Sex work encompasses many different facets. However, since sex work is often not recognized as real work, there is not enough information on how much sex workers make. Of course, the amount a sex worker earns will depend on the work/service they are providing.
We are here to focus on escorts specifically. How much do escorts make? Technically, it is difficult to know the exact amount, but calculating an average should not be that difficult. So, if you are interested in becoming an escort and want to know how much you can earn, here is a simple overview.
As the name suggests, sex workers earn money by providing certain sexual services. Those services are not always about sex/penetration. For example, strippers, phone sex, and OnlyFans girls are all considered sex workers. But they are not directly providing you with the deed. Instead, they provide content that will make you feel good. On that note, escorts are also not always required to sleep with you. This depends on the agreement and services they are willing to offer.
Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else who is willing to provide their clients with the full girlfriend/boyfriend experience tends to earn more. These escorts are typically down to trying all kinds of naughty things. Of course, this includes sex (different positions and types) along with dates and many other kinks.
Before hiring an escort, you must check out their personal do’s and don’ts. Most will have their services listed on their profiles within their escorts directory. This way, you can choose an escort who actually suits your preference with her/his/their services.
On the other hand, certain escorts are not willing to go all the way. Some escorts are perfect to hire if you are going to a formal dinner event, a business meeting, or anything along those lines. They are perfect to parade in front of your business partners. But at the end of the day, they are just eye candy. Of course, escorts like these don’t earn as much as the ones who are willing to engage in sexual experiences with their clients.
On average, escorts can easily make anywhere from $100 to $500 per hour. However, the price will vary depending on the type of services they provide, along with their location and clientele. You could possibly find escorts who earn less than $100. But those escorts are often the ones just getting started or not willing to give you the full sexual experience.
Some high-end escorts with specialized services can easily earn over $500 per hour. Sometimes, their services can cost thousands of dollars per hour, depending on the experience you are looking for.
Again, this will vary depending on factors like location, services, etc. However, incall services are often cheaper than outcall services. This is because clients are required to visit the escort’s location; thus, escorts do not have to waste their time and money traveling to their clients' places.
Outcall services involve the escorts traveling to the client’s location, which can incur additional expenses. For example, you might be required to pay for their transportation costs to and from the place you meet. You also pay for the extra time they’ll waste to get to the outcall place.
Of course, there are always exceptions. Some escorts are willing to provide the same price for incall and outcall services. When searching for escorts, it is always better to search for escorts near me. This way, you can opt for the incall option and enjoy cheaper services.
Escorts' earnings are influenced by various factors, such as their location, clientele, reputation, services, and more. Usually, in urban areas where the demand for escorts is high, their prices are also higher compared to smaller towns and rural areas. Then, when you add specialized naughty services, the prices get even higher.
On average, escorts typically make anywhere from $100 to $500 or more. High-end escorts can make a lot more, while unknown or beginner escorts often provide cheaper service to gain a good reputation. The price will also vary depending on whether you want an incall or outcall service.
It’s important to understand that the variability of escort earnings can be impacted by many other factors than the ones mentioned. For example, market demand, competition, seasonal fluctuations, and even personal circumstances can all impact how much an escort can earn.